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Coming Up Next

Here you can find some special workshops / classes / events that I'm holding. Would love to have you join if you hear the calling. 

  • Last Saturday of the month Yin & Yang deep dive
    Last Saturday of the month Yin & Yang deep dive
    Múltiples fechas
    sáb, 25 ene
    Yoga With Daniela
    25 ene 2025, 10:00 – 13:00
    Yoga With Daniela, Melchett St 8, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    On the last Saturday of each month I’m offering a deep dive into the feminine & masculine, an opportunity to observe and balance the two.
  • Yin Yoga workshop
    Yin Yoga workshop
    Date and time is TBD
    Yoga With Daniela
    Date and time is TBD
    Yoga With Daniela, Melchett St 8, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel
    Yin Yoga dive: connect to the feminine, trust and surrender
  • Yin & Yang yoga workshop
    Yin & Yang yoga workshop
    Date and time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Date and time is TBD
    Location is TBD
    Yin & Yang yoga dive: balance the feminine & masculine energies within us through yoga

Here you can read about previous special workshops / classes / events that I hold

Some previous stuff

WhatsApp Image 2022-04-13 at 4.20.59 PM.jpeg

Honouring the Feminine Cycle- a series of yoga & cycle awareness workshops


The wonderful Elsa and I invite you to join us for 4 workshops that will combine Cycle Awareness teachings and Yoga practice to give you a better comprehension of the different changes happening and how they impact your daily life, relationships and work, as well as tools to apply to best support yourself throughout your cycle. 

Each session will be about 2 hours and include an introduction on one of the phases of the cycle, giving you knowledge on what is happening in your body, emotions, energy and mental state with a yoga practice designed especially to fit the energy and needs of the body during this phase 


● Saturday 14th of May 2022: Follicular phase - The inner Spring 
● Saturday 28th of May 2022: Ovulatory phase - The inner Summer 
● Saturday 11th of June 2022: Luteal phase - The inner Autumn 
● Saturday 25th of June 2022: Menstrual phase - The inner Winter 

Event page & booking here 

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